
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Oh, the Artist’s Life is the Life for me!


I’ve been a Popeye fan since childhood. My father, an avid comic book reader, mimicked the “old salt” whenever he could. My mother reminded me to eat my spinich so I’d be strong like Popeye; however, I preferred Olive Oyl’s lanky svelte figure.

Popeye’s favorite song charmed me: “Oh, the sailor’s life is the life for me,” tooted on his pipe which was loaded with spinich. I loved that song and the crazy cartoon characters like Wimpy, Brutus, and Sweet Pea that cavorted over the comic book pages or on the big screen. I started collecting Walter Lanz memorabilia in adulthood.

Why am I going down memory lane as I drive to downtown Fort Myers on an artist’s errand? I found myself singing one of those old dittys, and then replaced the words with: “Oh, an Artist’s Life is the Life for me!” (We artists are a little weird!)

I wasn’t alone, either. Friends from the Pan American Alliance were looking for space where we may exhibit, and we made the rounds of potential locations. We are already “joined at the hip” with the Art Council of Southwest Florida that includes such entities as the Alliance of the Arts, Art League of Fort Myers, and the Naples Art Assoc., but we were looking for space to highlight our group and Pan American artists.

Work-in-progress -- "Hey, Coconut Mon"

This morning we were painting publicly at the Regional County Library to expose the arts to the community, recruit new members, and provide cultural inspiration for the people. Over the next few months, we will be busy with art shows, juried shows, and workshops. I’ll give you the details as they occur.

Today I’m sharing some of my works in progress and a completed painting. Sometimes it seems I take one step forward and two steps back. But progress is being made. Next week I’m participating in a demo sponsored by Golden Paints and all Pan American members will receive a free packet from Golden. These little perks keep me whistling, humming, and singing: “Yes, the Artist’s Life is the Life for me!”

work in progress -- 1st oil application


  1. Carol, you are so prolific both in your writing and your painting. Sounds like you have some busy, stimulating months ahead, all devoted to the Artists's Life. I'll be reading your updates.

  2. Hi Carol - I particularly love your 'coconut mon' - the composition, the colours! I don't think it needs too much more done to it, do you?

    Good luck with finding your space!

  3. Thanks to both of you for your encouragement and comments! They mean so much.

    As to "Coconut Mon" I will probably do little else to the background (acrylic), but the boy will be completed in oils so that he will be dominant (mixed-media).
