
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Brown Thrasher

"Rufous" seems inadequate to describe the coloring of this radiant bird. The brown thrasher's orange red feathers almost glow in the sunlight. And they can sing, as well as mimic other bird song; but the variety and range is more limited, and the song of shorter duration than that of the mocking bird.

Brown thrashers are year-round residents of Florida, but not so much in the southern part of the state. I guess that's why I feel lucky to have seen a few in the past six years. Their long tails, brown striped white bellies, and yellow-orange eyes make them a real eye-charmer. But photographing them is a challenge, as they fly away when you approach even from a distance.

My daughter who lives in Atlanta tells me that brown thrashers are the Georgia state bird. She has probably seen many more than I have. The first time I saw a thrasher it was love at first sight. They have been my favorite bird ever since. Painting a brown thrasher in its natural grassland setting was a joy.

Brown thrasher is a 12x16 acrylic painting on panel; $325 includes barnwood frame; shipping is extra. Giclees, prints and cards are available at

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Carol. Just realized you had a blog and thought I'd stop by. Your sketches and paintings are lovely, and it warms my heart that your grandpa clearly left you many life-long gifts. I have a couple of other comments, but I'll leave them on each of those posts.
