
Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Basics

Cleaning brushes is a real pain, but believe me it's necessary. I pride myself on doing a good job, but not long ago I had to throw a couple of hardened brushes away. Some cleaners make you think the paint is washed out when it isn't.

I've purchased fancy cleaners. I've used dish detergent. I've soaked brushes in turpenoid. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. The best cleaner I've found is used by teachers in art schools. It's plain old Lava soap. After going back to Lava, I've discovered that even after you think you've cleaned your brushes, Lava will still remove more paint.

I follow the Lava wash with a conditioner; there are many on the market. An art store recommended baby oil, but I wasn't too impressed. Saddle soap was also recommended; it has built-in conditioners. Love to hear your tips here.

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