
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Contest Winners Announced

The winner of my "With These Hands" Contest is the above photo, which I will title: "Love." My thanks to Christy for submitting the photo (the names and identies of the winners will be protected). Christy's adorable photo of her young daughter loving her favorite beau--daddy, has universal appeal. Christy will receive a print of the original painting, matted and ready for framing. Please keep in mind that the process of an oil painting requires a longer drying time. I will keep you posted via e-mail when the painting is completed.

There were two winners in the "Honorable Mention" category. These winners will receive a free greeting card of the original painting and a chance to have their photo used in the series at a later time. I will keep you posted. I will need mailing addresses of all winners!

First runner up goes to Glenna's grandson that I will title: "Learning."

Second runner up goes to Kelly for her submission that I will title:"Experience."

I want to thank everyone who participated in my contest. There were so many wonderful photos that I would like to paint them all! If I decide to paint your entry at a later date, I will let you know. The possibilities were endless! Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

If you have suggestions for future contests, please use the comments section. Your ideas and suggestions are always welcome! Thanks again.


  1. Hey, I know that little girl's daddy ... but I just realized it. Precious photo. Definitely a winner.

    And I got honorable mention with the little Band-Aid girl? Ha. That's sweet of you.

  2. Hi Carol,

    Thank You. So cool. I called his mom and it made her day.
