If you’ve never heard of John Held, Jr. let me introduce you. Held more than any other defined the “Roaring Twenties.” As an artist and illustrator, Held poked fun of the era, but only in jest. He captured the boldness of the Jazz Age and the beginning of an industrialized society.
He characterized people doing the Charleston and the Shimmy in dance marathons. He elevated the “flapper” to new heights and sent women on a quest for fun and adventure. His illustrations were featured in the New Yorker, and in McClure’s magazine. Google “Held” and discover all of his wonderful illustrations. Copyrights won’t allow me to cut and paste them into my blog.
The Art Deco period (1920-1935), although that title wasn’t coined until the 60s, emphasizes abstraction and distortion that uses simplification, geometric shapes and intense colors. This period was influenced by cubism, constructivism, and Italian futurism. Similar to the “Art Nouveau” period which came before it, Art Deco borrows from Far and Middle East design, Greek and Roman themes, and mirrors both Egyptian and Mayan influences.
Paul Manship was a well-known sculptor during this time period. Other artists who emerged from the 20s upsurge were names like Tiffany, Klimt, Georgia O’Keefe, and Edward Hopper. Of course, the twenties would not be complete without Grant Wood and his rendition of “American Gothic” and “Fall Planting.”

Delightful! You've captured the mood perfectly.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Missy. Appreciate your stopping by and taking the time to make a comment!
ReplyDeleteIt sure looks like the feathers on that boa and the bottom of the skirt are fun to paint.
ReplyDeleteAgain, I really love the sheet music of the Twenties series! Keep them coming. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone! And Kelly, yes the feathers were fun. Because it's a mixed media, I actually put some glitter glue over them. In person, the red dress and the feathers sparkle. Really cute!