
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Silent Warriors, Mentors, and Friends

"Sandhill Cranes at Twilight" 24 x 30 Oil on Acrylic background
You know them. They are "silent warriors" who encourage and support you regardless of gain. Some people call them mentors; others call them friends. These guileless helpers get involved out of the generosity of their hearts.

They are the shoulders you cry on when things go wrong. They help you to see the best in yourself and ignore the negative. They give you hope. They help you stay on track and sometimes hold your feet to the fire.

"Sandhill Crane" 8 x 10 oil on acrylic
These silent warriors are you and me, and sometimes complete strangers put in our path to help us. They are humanity in all of its glory and imperfections. Warriors who give us courage to rise again when we are defeated and strength when we are weak. They help us see the truth when our eyes and our judgment may be impaired.

I hope you have a few warriors on your team; a life guard to reach out and pull you from your drowning thoughts. Someone to share your grief or your failures; your joys and successes.

Like angels, they come to us in a time of need and rescue us from ourselves. I have had several in my lifetime. Some who were not aware of the importance their words or actions were at the time. In their own way, they were my saviors; caring people who touched my life in profound ways.

Warriors may inspire you, warn you of danger, and ignite your creativity. They provide you with heightened self-awareness reminding you of all that is good and beautiful. They silently imprint their mark upon you and leave you better than you were before.

Who could ask for more? An important component in a joyful and successful life is gratitude. Giving thanks to those around you, praising God for the good that comes into your life enlarges your soul. Ingratitude, on the other hand, leaves you empty and alone. Gratitude is the best networking tool you have at your fingertips. It takes only a few words. If it comes from the heart it gives you a measure of authenticity.

(I love cranes and water birds so much,
I'm going to do another painting)

These invisible threads accumulate over time and provide unforgettable connections. People always remember an insult or a slam, but they rarely forget a kindness or a compliment. They may not recall the specifics, but they will always feel good around you and want your association.

Authentic people are so rare these days. If you are true to your word and your actions, the accumulation of positive vibes will eventually result in success. 

Feedback is a measure of how well you are doing. Results are a physical manifestation of your efforts. The saying "what goes around, comes around," was said for a reason. It is true!

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