
Monday, July 26, 2010

Featured Painting: “Beach Buddies”

“Beach Buddies” the painting is finished. To refresh your memory, here are two “in progress” shots of the initial acrylic drawing and washes and the first oil paint application. Compare them to the finished painting above.

The scene of the two boys brings back memories. We took our own children to the nearby lakes and beaches whenever we traveled. As a family, we waded, we swam, and we hunted for seashells.

My most favorite beach of all time; although, it may have been BC (before children), was La Jolla Beach north of San Diego. This beach had a great impact on my fantasy rendering of Beach Buddies.

When we still had five children at home, we joined my in-laws at a two-story cabin by Bear Lake in southern Idaho. The upstairs bedrooms had a railing for protection that overlooked a large great-room below. The children thought it was the perfect platform for a stage.

On our first night, they hammed it up by singing: “There’s no Business like Show Business” and performing other songs and stories they knew. Showing off was always the pinnacle of panache.

After the show, Dad and mom took the “spooky” attic bedroom, and we snuggled in for the night. Alas, we spent half the night ducking under our covers to avoid a swooping bat whose sonar zeroed in on our snores, squeals and laughter.

The next day, I sprawled face down on a blanket in the sand and slept while the others gathered sea shells. My mother-in-law was miffed. “Does she always sleep that much?”

Little did she know I had spent the past few nights getting ready for this travelganza: cooking and preparing our food, packing the clothes for the entire family and stressing out about whether I’d forgotten something? In my first marriage, I was a one-woman show; the end-all and be-all of everything that happened, or it didn’t. And then there was that dratted bat, hummmm.

For this tired mom, the best part of summer vacation was a snooze on the beach.

To see other beach and Oceanside paintings, go to Carol’s art gallery at


  1. Magical! Amazing colors. And I can think of worse fates than sleeping at the beach.
